Tuesday, April 29, 2008 |
An End Unknown |
The stars seem to twinkle, In a world of their own and mingle, With a darkness they do so beat, And yet so unbeaten is this darkness, But what does tell us of the impossible, Is the sun which makes this possible, Rising in a tinge of orangish red, Into lives and time so differently led.
Millions try and manage to hide, Into a cozy blanket on a warm side, But so defeated are we in all action, That it takes the sun's energy of a mere fraction, To bring life into day, That forever in time we may, Never realize that mystical power, Of a cycle in nature at every hour, It holds you in every action it does, And guides you into every moment that comes, Lest, we still fail to appreciate, That energy that steers us to our fate, Then there is only one that will prevail, And stall everything that shall entail, A war in nature with such unnatural sights, Of demons and ghosts and medieaval knights, The ultimate is already known, For haven't we been shown, What we have already surmised? As an end to life, That will gradually die, And so painfully end, In a near future of our own, That we are so unwilling to own. |
posted by bereaved vendetta @ 9:55 AM  |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 |
Because Life is Unfair |
How hard do you try, leaving no stone unturned for making something happen. You put your mind, body and soul into it and then keep hoping that everything should be done, it will be flawless! But then what happens, everything can just turn into crap and you can keep watching that happen and making yourself feel horrible and even more horrible as each floor of the building falls one after the other.
Hmm. So what can we finally do to ensure that nothing may go wrong? Absolutely nothing! Should we say, there's possibly no solution to this? So is that why, perfection does not exist? This is a little offbeat, but let's proceed. Or is it so that we haven't defined anything as perfection or layed any clear cut borders in which this may lie. Or are we trying to make it very clear, that human beings are just another species incapable of being perfect, rather perfection is just out of our reach and the story must end there.
But I wonder, what would be going in the mind of this very very positive person for whom , it doesn't even pinch if his desires are shattered. Have we been designed to be submissive and inferior? Is that supernatural energy that guides the universe and its positions moulded us in a manner that we cannot achieve what we must want always, for some reason, that we must forever be thirsty in desire and ambition. Or could it just imply something else? Maybe, maybe....... |
posted by bereaved vendetta @ 10:30 AM  |
Friday, April 18, 2008 |
A 'day'z world |
Fresh daisies thrive in the world in joy, Foreign lands await to be seen, A universe stands unhealed, A radiance blooms in a world filled, With such emotion and high intention, Laying on bed is a world tonight, Cleansed of desire with a faith, So pure and healing in a world so dead, In a thirst of development I dread, The heart pounds in a sad phase, For unkempt is a world in its desire, And unlimited is its want and greed, Filled with selfish need and unbreakable shackles, Where all this may lie, Can a heart like mine survive, Cold is a world in its acceptance, Elongating a forever unbridged distance, Loss continues to be the theme, Pain remains unredeemed, A desire is forever kept unsaid, And when will it be ever said, Or shall I dread that the world will never accept, And keep promises, meant to be kept, Action must follow that unending hope, To bring life into an unending desire, And a day in life so beautifully colored. |
posted by bereaved vendetta @ 6:45 AM  |
Friday, April 11, 2008 |
Sadly Silent |
It has been a long time, and what injustice! The eyes close in shame! A month and even more. And what reason could I have, but studies? And this doesn't end, guess what, here it went, and then, as you just began breathing, they were there again! But let's quit this crap and get to something 'nice'.
Aimlessly typing in a different style(highly prosaic):
From time and again, The feeling is the same, The mind blooms with a constant energy, Unchangeable and seemingly everlasting, You shut your eyes in a simple prayer, 'Let's hope it happens' and you left it there, But hope will be there, And then, hope must mature into action, Or the hope will forever be hope in time, And blend in a past of unfulfilled desire, Then will you regret that after hope, action was meant, To fullfill desire, see your dreams alive in the present, Sadly, we remain, In a world of hope and desire, Some do realize, action must follow hope, Afterall, do we want to live in dreams? Or live our dreams?
posted by bereaved vendetta @ 7:00 AM  |
A strange medley of what I can give the world of my greatest possession, creative writing. |
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Name: bereaved vendetta
About Me: Optically, subjectively, and figuratively: EQUIVALENT Focal plane....
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